Sunday 25 May 2014

Miss C has a eye problem

Miss C's conversation with the Dr

Dr Mike: "How are you with morning? Why have you come to see me?"

Miss C: "I have come to see you this morning because I have a bright red blob on my left eye, it doesn't hurt but I don't know how it happened or what to do. I was hoping you could help me."

Dr Mike: "Hmm can I have a look?"

*Dr mike looking at Miss C's eye*

Dr Mike: "It looks like you might have Subconjunctival hemorrhage. This is caused by a small bleed behind the conjunctiva.

Miss C: "Oh, why did this happen? Do I need any treatment?"

Dr Mike: "Well usually no treatment is needed. Aspirin and Ibrufon should be avoided, but please try to avoid touching and rubbing your eye as it can worsen this. If you want I can prescribe Artificial Tears."

Miss C: "Yes please I would like that! I have been sick over the last week, does that have anything to do with my eye problem?"

Dr Mike: "Have you been coughing lately?"

Miss C: "Yes, I have, does this have something to do with this?"

Dr Mike: "Yes, coughing can also have a small part if this condition."

Miss C: "Ok then, thank you. I have one more question"

Dr Mike: "Yes whats that?"

Miss C: "How long will I have this?"

Dr Mike: "You will have this for about 2 weeks, if this stays longer please come back and see me!"

Miss C: "Ok thank you very much!"

Dr Mike: "You're most welcome!!"

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