Thursday 23 May 2013

Physical out door stuff

Homework challenge:
P3. Explore the outdoors: With a family member or family friend

complete an 8 hour or overnight tramp.

My dad and I took some family on a tramp to show them the glow worms and stayed the night at  Mc-larren-falls. It was super fun. For the first time in my life I saw a shooting star in real life it was incredible but the glow worms were even more amazing because it looked like I was in the milky way. Next time i'm going to take extra blankets because it was FREEZING all night long, BUT you know wat the worst thing was, there was NO wifi. it was HORRIBLE!!!! ;( 
Here are a few pics to show you wat glow worms look like.


  1. Hello Marijke........

    I am proud of all your hard work. Very impressive.


  2. lolz thanks luv u
