Sunday 7 July 2013

My EPIC weekend

In the weekend, my friend Meila came to my house and stayed the night, we had sooo soooo soooo much fun. Our day started with the skills day with little kids which you can read more about that is a different post. When she came we went out to dinner to Lone Star, one of the waiters made us a challenge "if both of you eat 12 ribs each, I will give you free t-shirt.'' So Meila and I ate 12 ribs and boy was it !!!MESSY!!! When we were done we got the waiter and we got an applause from almost everyone in the restaurant. We felt SO proud LOL :D
We even got a free t-shirt.
After dinner we went to the playground and took some pics hehe and we even laid down on the railway train tracks  haha
Here area few pics to show you what we did.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that waiter was very surprised that you eat all those ribs!! Lots of fun and laughs...
