Sunday, 5 May 2013

My EPIC B-Day party

In the holidays it was my 12th birthday party.
For my party me and some of my besties went to Hamilton Zoo and experienced two Eye To Eye Encounters.  They were INCREDIBLE!!!
Me and and friends were able to touch a Rhino's back and feed a tiger.
We were really lucky because the zoo keeper let us try find Jameila's (the Rhino) soft skin, it was amazing!  After that we had about 15 minuets to get to the tiger enclosure, when we got to the tiger a zoo keeper came and led us to Shila (the tiger) once again we were really lucky because we got to feed her! That was something I would never forget! After we explored the zoo we all sat down and had pizza for lunch (YUM) We also had the oppertuinty to enter a draw and to name three new red pandas.
At the end of the day we were all very tired and were very thankful to be able go home!


  1. amazing yummy pizza nice post

  2. You all were so brave doing these two "Eye To Eye Encounters!"
